Illustration by Eric Kostuik Williams, for Criminalized Lives: HIV and Legal Violence, Rutgers University Press, 2024.
Black and white comic illustration of various protesters in support of ending HIV criminalization wearing t-shirts, holding banners, and signs with slogans that say: ‘HIV-positive’, ‘Stop the witch hunt’, ‘Health not prison’, ‘We are not criminals’, ‘Stigma kills, HIV doesn’t’, ‘HIV is not a crime, AIDS profiteering is’, ‘Stop criminalizing people with HIV’,
Alexander McClelland, PhD, is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Criminology, Carleton University. He is the author of Criminalized Lives: HIV and Legal Violence, released in 2024, from the Q+ Public Series at Rutgers University Press, which includes illustrations from queer comic artist, Eric Kostiuk Williams, with a foreword from US-based HIV activist and movement leader, Robert Suttle. The book examines the histories and experiences of people living with HIV in Canada who had been criminalized due to allegations of HIV non-disclosure, and it also chronicles the vibrant and vocal social movement calling for justice, and change, under the slogan #HIVISNOTACRIME.
From 2019-2020, McClelland was a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Ottawa in the Department of Criminology. He is the lead investigator on the Tracking (In)Justice: A Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Data and Transparency Project, and on the Mapping Sero Surveillance Project, and was co-creator of the Policing the Pandemic Mapping Project.
His work focuses on the intersections of life, justice, information, and illness, where he has developed a range of collaborative and interdisciplinary writing, academic, activist, and artistic projects to address issues of criminalization, data justice, sexual autonomy, surveillance, drug liberation, and the construction of knowledge on HIV.
Find Alexander on: Scopus, Google Scholar, & ORCID: 0000-0002-6397-2953
“An unforgettable chronicle”
Cover of book, includes black and white illustrated portraits of various different people presented in a grid, with text: Alexander McClelland, Criminalized Lives: HIV and Legal Violence, Illustrations by Eric Kostiuk Williams, foreword by Robert Suttle.
Order Criminalized Lives: HIV and Legal Violence now, available everywhere June 14, 2024
In Canada, order from UBC Press, here. In the US, order from Rutgers University Press, here.
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